Ancient Latin Inspiration for Modern Families
There is inspiration all around us, even in a “dead language” like Latin. In fact, there are many inspiring phrases that we use in our every-day language that can breathe new life into our thinking. Consider these sayings through the lens of a change-maker and bring intention to your daily activities.
Inspiration from Chinese Proverbs
Use ancient wisdom to inspire your family to make an impact today. These 10 Chinese proverbs will spark conversation and jump-start action.
Creative Mindsets for Change
Try using these three transformational mindsets to think like a designer. 🦋 You can find creative solutions to the problems that you care about.
Making a Difference All Year Long
There are many ways to bring intention, focus, and purpose to each day. Check out these ideas to weave service and fun into celebrations and special days, all year long. 🎉
Five Lessons Mother Teresa Taught Me
Mother Teresa advocated for people to serve small and love big. 💖 These bite-sized and focused quotes are both motivating and accessible to anyone. 🕊 Put your compassion into action today!