Finding creative solutions is easier using a design thinking mindset.

Creative Mindsets for Change

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High ideals are wonderful✨. And you know that the world is filled with troubles and issues. If you are reading this, you must be someone who is motivated to make a difference. But, have you ever felt paralyzed by perfectionism? Because you care so much and want to make “it” better, you could be afraid to make mistakes. If you are like me, you definitely don’t want to fail. Even when your heart is inspired and you deeply desire to be a change maker, your mindset can hold you back.

Courageous Creativity💥

Artist Henri Matisse is quoted as saying, “Creativity takes courage.” It really is true. Especially when you think beyond art and expression and think of creative change in an organization, business, or society. Who hasn’t heard, “We’ve never done it that way before” or “That will never work” in response to a new idea. Underneath the objections lies fear 😨.

It requires courage to try something new. 💪 To take action when the outcome is unknown can feel risky.

Insanity of Status Quo

Albert Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing repeatedly but expecting different results. He also shared the insight, “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” Even if you didn’t create the problem, changes in behavior and thinking are necessary to break through for solutions.

Three Mindsets for Creative Solutions

Design Thinking was popularized by the design firm IDEO, founded by David Kelly, more than 40 years ago. The approach addresses finding solutions to real-world problems through a human-centered process (Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, Test). You undoubtedly have used at least one of IDEO’s designs in your daily life in 1980, Apple hired IDEO to design the first mouse! Kelly went on to found the (Hasso Plattner Institute of Design) at Stanford University, which helps people develop creative abilities. In case your curiosity is piqued, I provide coaching for applying design thinking to find creative solutions!

Here are three transformational mindsets that can help you think like a designer. 🚀 As a change-maker family, these ways of thinking can help you find creative solutions to the problems capture your heart.

🦋 Bias Toward Action

Remember the feeling of being paralyzed by perfection? Having a bias toward action mindset helps you get unstuck. I love the view that done is better than perfect. When you see a need, take action. Children can be great partners challenging an adult’s wait a while approach. Lean in to their impatience or impulsiveness (when appropriate) and see what happens. Try saying “Yes” more often than you normally do. Author Seth Godin states, “The only way to get good at solving problems is to solve them.” Have a mindset that is ready to act, even if it is uncomfortable.

🦋 Embracing Experimentation

Erase the idea of mistake and failure from your mind. You are experimenting—try it and see what happens. TV art instructor Bob Ross would encourage new artists by reassuring, “we don’t make mistakes. We have happy accidents.” As children venture into new situations, give them courage to use their ideas and skills to make a difference. Former South African president Nelson Mandela shares this wisdom, “I never lose. I either win or I learn.” Embracing experimentation helps build resilience and also fuels the path to finding solutions.

🦋 Radical Collaboration

Different points of view and diverse backgrounds is a key ingredient to finding creative solutions. While it might be easier to have a conversation with someone who thinks like you, it’s not a good way to think outside the box. Remember the Einstein quote—different thinking is required for different solutions. Think about your family, where two or three are gathered…there are two or three different points of views! You can have radical collaboration any time! Perhaps the key is to create a forum for encouraging multiple perspectives and viewpoints. Ask other people for their ideas or to join you, too. This mindset might take some extra effort for siblings, but it is a life-skill to develop. Celebrate different contributions as collaboration is fostered.

Looking for more ways to find radical collaboration or make connections with other change-maker families?

You’ll find community with like-minded families along with more ideas and resources in the Change-maker Family Community Membership.

Please share about how these mindsets have helped you design creative solutions. Join the conversation below!

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